4th June 2024 0Uncategorised
Just a little info for anyone interested, I’ve just read that there will be a few strikes in France this month.
For us, the main one is customs at all ports, although I have spoken to our customs offices in France, there are no imminent stoppages, but according to a French online paper (the conexion), the strikes could be closer than we think. We have made a short video to explain how thing may affect you and giving you the dates.
We are monitoring this in real time and will update you when we get the full details.
Other things to worry about on mainland Europe are farmer disputes on the borders of France and Spain about energy taxes on agricultural, food safety, a revision of agricultural taxation and financial aid for solar panels.
Just what we don’t want: Summer delays
Give us a call if you have any worries, we can handle things and as usual try our best to steer you around these obstacles.
I will keep you informed.